(218) 382-7464
LSYC's Resident Choirs require home practice each week. Click on the link to the right to navigate to the appropriate choir's website with practice information, practice tracks, and more!
Singers are to spend a minimum of 15 minutes each day practicing their LSYC music. Singers are encouraged to reference the LSYC Guide to Successful Home Practice as they practice in order to get the most out of the time spent. LSYC families can expect to receive emails from the LSYC directors with Home Practice Goals as well.
It is extremely important for LSYC singers to be in attendance of all rehearsals. In the event that your singer cannot be at rehearsal, their absence must be reported through our attendance email ( In addition, your singer's director needs to be CC'd on all attendance communications.
Choristers: Mrs. Hjelle (
Cantala: Ms. Rhonda Card (
Concert Choir: Ms. Young (
Camerata: Molstad (
Cantemus: Dr. Amundson (
Cadenza: Ms. Newton (
LSYC offers several different tuition payment plans for families. Tuition invoices are emailed through our online system for each payment due.
Tuition must be paid in full by the end of the LSYC season. Payments can also be made by check or cash at any rehearsal or sent to:
Lake Superior Youth Chorus
1200 Kenwood Avenue
Duluth, MN 55811